Joy. Liberation. Celebration. Inclusion. Evidence-based. Empowerment.
Much Heart was founded by Bethany Ranftl (known as B by her friends and students). Bethany is a 500-hour certified Vinyasa yoga teacher, a certified birth doula and a Reiki practitioner. She specializes in prenatal yoga. She has a 95-hour children’s yoga certification with an emphasis on neurodivergent children and teens, an 85-hour prenatal yoga certification and a 50-hour Restorative Yoga certification. She has completed over 1,000 hours of yoga training in the areas of Bhakti Yoga, yogic texts and philosophy, ayurveda, pranayama, gentle yoga, accessible/adaptive yoga, yoga transcending gender binaries, prenatal yoga, children’s yoga, trauma awareness, functional anatomy, alignment, yoga teaching and energy of the subtle body. Bethany is a lover of Bhakti Yoga and a big fan of joy. She serves students and families in and outside Charleston, SC. She received her doula certification through DONA International.
Where does the name Much Heart come from?
While living in New York, Bethany began affectionately signing her emails and letters, “Much heart, Bethany.” Much Heart became synonymous with Bethany. To her, Much Heart represents all that we feel but cannot always find words to express. Much Heart stands for the gratitude, love, joy, devotion, loyalty and celebration she has for everyone and all they offer this world.
In her own words and pictures…
Photo Credits Slider L-to-R from Center: Aaron Ranftl; Courtesy Client; Bethany Ranftl Archive (2); Roxanne Lowit; Bethany Ranftl Archive (2); Tana Oliver; Aaron Ranftl. Below Slider T-to-B: Tana Oliver; Bethany Ranftl Archive (2); Aaron Ranftl